Global News Style Guide

Global News Style Guide

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_6-readme.scss, line 1

6 Layout

Specific parts of the page layout made up of other components. Let's keep this very limited to just a few high level layout items (e.g. header, footer, article, container, and specific on-off page templates like search). Namespace these classes with l-. Use BEM syntax.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-article.scss, line 1

6.1 Article

Handles the general layout of the article page

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-article--featured.scss, line 1

6.2 Article

@define l-article Handles the custom featured layout of the article page

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-article--issues.scss, line 1

6.3 Article

@define l-article Handles the custom layout of the article Issues template

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/longform/article.scss, line 1

6.4 Longform Article

Handles the custom longform layout of the article page

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-container.scss, line 1

6.5 Site Container

The wrapper for the entire site. Applies a white background.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-content.scss, line 1

6.6 Content Container

The wrapper for the main content area.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-featuredCarousel.scss, line 1

6.8 Featured Carousel Widget

Glide.js carousel of post images along with a selector list of headlines overlaid.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-header.scss, line 6

6.11 Site Header.

Styles for the site header, which is just the blue bar up top not including any navigation.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-headerAd.scss, line 1

6.12 Site Header ad

Styling for the header leaderboard ad that appears directly below the navigation.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/dark/_l-headerAd--darkMode.scss, line 6

6.12.1 Site Header ad (Dark mode)

Styling for the header leaderboard ad that appears directly below the navigation.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-headerBanner.scss, line 1

6.13 Header Banner

The banner is used on Issues template

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/interactive/article.scss, line 1

6.16 Interactive Article

Handles the interactive layout of the article page

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-main.scss, line 1

6.19 Main Content

This section specifies the grid for the article and sidebar.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-main--featured.scss, line 1

6.20 Main Content

@define l-main This section specifies custom featured treatment for the article and sidebar.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-main--interactive.scss, line 1

6.21 Main Content

@define l-main This section specifies custom interactive treatment

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-main--issues.scss, line 1

6.22 Main Content

@define l-main This section specifies custom treatment for the article and sidebar on Issues template.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-main--longform.scss, line 1

6.23 Main Content

@define l-main This section specifies custom longform treatment

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-main--results.scss, line 1

6.24 Main Content

@define l-main This section specifies custom featured treatment for the article and sidebar.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-navbar.scss, line 6

6.25 Site Navbar.

Sticky navigation bar sits directly below the header and displays different navigation in desktop and on mobile.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/dark/_l-navbar--darkMode.scss, line 6

6.25.2 Site Navbar (Dark mode)

Sticky navigation bar sits directly below the header and displays different navigation in desktop and on mobile.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-navbar--narrowMobile.scss, line 6

6.25.3 Narrow Mobile Navbar.

Displays on mobile devices once the user scrolls below main navbar.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-navbar--stuck.scss, line 6

6.26 Sticky Navbar.

Sticky navigation bar sits directly below the header and displays different navigation in desktop and on mobile.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-notification.scss, line 1

6.27 Notification

Styles the onsite notification banners used for breaking news and live content.

  • when there is a notification item in place

  • when there is notification is hiding


Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-offline.scss, line 1

6.28 Offline

Basic styles for the offline page

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-overflow.scss, line 1

6.29 Overflow Container.

Used in conjunction with MenuOverflow.js. JS will add an arrow if the overflow list is longer than the page width. User can click the arrow to reveal the rest of the menu.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-panel.scss, line 1

6.30 Panel

A generic dropdown menu that can be customized for specific submenu navigations.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-panel--comments.scss, line 6

6.30.1 Comments Panel

This panel contains Facebook Comments section. It behaves like regular submenu panel on mobile, and slides out from the right on larger screen sizes

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-panel--interactive.scss, line 6

6.30.3 Social Panel - Interactive Template

This panel contains the full list of social share buttons. It can be toggled by clicking the "+" button next to a list of social links. Social links appear in the article above the byline, and in the navigation after the user has scrolled a certain distance down the page.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-panel--local.scss, line 6

6.30.4 Local panel

Panel that appears when the user toggles the "Local" dropdown menu to change regions

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-panel--more.scss, line 6

6.30.5 Menu panel

This is the main menu panel that appears when the user clicks the hamburger icon in the navigation.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-panel--socialNavbar.scss, line 6

6.30.8 Social Panel

This panel contains the full list of social share buttons. It can be toggled by clicking the "+" button next to a list of social links. Social links appear in the article above the byline, and in the navigation after the user has scrolled a certain distance down the page.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-popup.scss, line 1

6.32 Popup

Styling of modal dialog boxes, such as the report an error popup on article pages.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-programHero.scss, line 1

6.33 Program hero section

Styling of program hero section which contains host image, logo and latest video

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-radioCarousel.scss, line 1

6.34 Radio Carousel

Displays Radio Carousel on radio station home pages

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-section.scss, line 1

6.35 Homepage Sections

Sections are the basic building blocks for content on the home and archive pages. They contain a main content area and a sidebar. The main content area has several different layout options.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-section--dark.scss, line 6

6.35.1 Dark Section Style

Used on video section on homepages and videoHub

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-sidebar.scss, line 1

6.36 Sidebar

Styles for the right rail on article pages.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-stream.scss, line 1

6.37 Stream Layout

Layout for pages with article stream (ex. /trending, /latest ).

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-subnav.scss, line 1

6.38 Subnav element.

Collapses on 'tablet-portrait' or smaller by clicking on toggle link.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-topics.scss, line 1

6.39 Homepage Topics Section

This section contains a list of topic-based story widgets (e.g. Entertainement, Politics, Health). The styles here are for the container, individual topic based story widgets are styled with c-posts--gridList.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-videoCarousel.scss, line 1

6.41 Video Carousel Widget

Glide.js carousel of videos thumbnails along with a player on top. When a user clicks the thumbnail the video will start playing in the player area above.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-videoCarousel--standalone.scss, line 6

6.41.1 Standalone Video Carousel

Curated video carousel that appears on the home page or archive pages.

Source: assets/src/css/6-layout/_l-videoHub.scss, line 1

6.42 Video Hub

@define l-videoHub Handles the layout of the video hub